Aami na jaani kaake bhalo baashi
The last few days have been really disturbing for me. Nothing turned out as I expected. And many things turned up that I never expected. I have realized today that few things have to change. A lot of things have to change.
Everybody is good at something. What am I good at? Sports? Performing arts? No. But I had a little hope that at least I was good in academic field. Now I have even lost that. These recent days have seen me sink so below my own expected level of excellence. Things must change for that. I must fasten my strides, for the road has gone far ahead. I must fasten my strides or else I will be left behind, helpless. This must change. After this term's result and the storm that will follow, I must start anew, with new goals and priorities. This time I cannot let myself fall so below.
Apart from the exams, lot more things are haunting me. The events of the last two years have started to interfere again.People do not forget easily, they say. Neither have I. But having to face everything all over again, to meet these people and talk of the things that happened two years ago again felt strange and scary. So I have finally decided that I will leave behind all these things and memories and move on at last. I will no longer dwell on what happened in the past. I think its time for me to take rest from it. To forget all that happened and all that could still happen. I feel that if I leave all this confusing emotion behind, then I can start everything fresh. It is finally time for me to change. To let go of what I had confined in my corners of heart. Adieu ghostly memories, Bienvenue the new Me.
I am not a Robot
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