Sunday, October 31, 2010

The World Turned Upside Down

Our school witnessed the moment of the millennium yesterday - and I was not even present :(
Well this changes things, doesn't it? Four more months to go before this term ends. Before high school ends. A lot more can happen within these months. School is a changed place now. Don't know what new dreadful surprises will come forth.. Well we got to be careful now, for resistance will not be a really good idea these day. This means sulking back to the rules :P of the school. Whatever be the case, what happened yesterday will be a memorable thing, both in a positive and negative way. No one will forget it so easily. It will be the talk for months. Open defiance. The fire of upsurge. Something never imagined. But one thing is evident. The fire is not extinguished. The sparks live on. Even though I think she took it a little too far, but yet I salute her and her guts.

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